--- Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you believe that (until the TODO is done) foo will consistently
> return 3, and you wish to be alerted if it suddenly starts returning
> 4,
> then surely you can do that with a non-TODO test which checks for its
> being 3?

Sure you can do that:

  my $result;
  TODO: {
      local $TODO = 'some message';
      $result = foobar();
      is $result, '7', '... and foobar() should pass';
  is $result, '3', '... not really 3, but just for a TODO test ...';

That's terribly clumsy, more difficult to understand, and is just
waiting for programmers to not pay attention and wipe out the TODO and
just leave the bogus test.

And, because the final 'is' isn't wrapped in TODO, you're making an
assertion of what the code is actually doing, even though you *know*
that what it's doing is wrong.  This is not something I'd recommend :)


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