Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:
As a technique, paying attention to how broken code changes,
why does it matter that broken code breaks differently? What
does this information tell you that might fix code?

It means there is a known internal dependency on some other part
of the code that is not being tested directly, either itself or
the interaction therewith. You want to be alerted when something
changes the result of this interaction. This is very reasonable.

I believe this is the point where we diverge. The code's busted, why get fussy over how busted it is? You're probably going to rewrite that bit anyway.

But, that's a choice. I think the opportunity cost is too high and there's much better things I could be doing with my time.

I am somewhat preoccupied telling the laws of physics to shut up and sit down.
        -- Vaarsuvius, "Order of the Stick"

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