On Tuesday 24 June 2008 00:50:27 Paul Fenwick wrote:

> > I also hate to get bug reports saying "You should add this line of code
> > even if it does nothing useful to all of your modules, because it's not
> > there!"

> Unfortunately while the code may do nothing useful to *your* modules per
> se, it's extremely useful should any be using your modules in a program
> that uses taint mode and wants to be careful about their data.  It's rather
> awkward that Perl has ended up with the same code that commonly means
> "parse this data" to implicitly mean "this data is safe".

I find it difficult to believe that you've audited all of my 
publicly-available code in the past 90 minutes to know exactly how much even 
uses regular expressions, let alone on data that could possibly come from 
tainted sources.  I believe I write from a position of authority about code 
where I'm the, well, author.

Quality (or even Kwalitee) suggests *removing* dead code, not adding it.

-- c

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