On 9/21/05, David Landgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know I had my eyes opened by Devel::Cover. I thought I had pretty good
> coverage in Regexp::Assemble. In fact I had about 60%. I lifted it up to
> 100% statement coverage (some branching and conditional paths are never
> taken, but they are "normal", for example C<$foo or return 0>). This
> toook about 15 hours of work over a week or so. I caught a couple of
> minor bugs and one rather big one in the process.

Well, I dont think it would be possible for me to get 100% coverage in
a module like Data::Dump::Streamer. Im pretty happy that I managed to
get about 80% actually.

The problem for me is that i have a fair amount of code that is
specifically for one version of perl, or another, or to handle "never
happen" cases (like Scalar::Util::reftype() returning a unknown type).
Likewise all kinds of things that are supported in 5.8 are totally
meaningless in 5.6.x (locked hashes anyone?).

OTOH, i was happy that DC illustrated some "dead" codepaths that
probably could be removed. But im resigned to never getting 100%.

And, it doesnt help that something about DC breaks the defined
operator when dealing with overloaded objects. (yeah, he did say the
code was alpha quality :-)


perl -Mre=debug -e "/just|another|perl|hacker/"

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