On 2011.11.15 1:14 AM, Buddy Burden wrote:
> Okay, just to follow-up in case anyone cared what the resolution on
> this one was, changing the loop full of ok()s to one giant pass() or
> fail() per loop fixed _everything_.  Plus it runs a lot faster now.  I
> know I've seen test suites that do thousands and thousands of tests,
> but they must be doing it some other way that I'm not privvy to or
> somethin'.

There is a 3rd option.  The perl core maintains a separate implementation of
Test::More in t/test.pl.  You can drop that into your project and use it for
your enormous tests.  It does not record test results, that I know, and should
not consume memory.

I use it to test Test::More and am considering spinning it out into its own

94. Crucifixes do not ward off officers, and I should not test that.
    -- The 213 Things Skippy Is No Longer Allowed To Do In The U.S. Army

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