On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 01:16:24PM +0100, Simon Myers wrote:
> Hello.  I've been booked to do some Perl training for a company that
> uses Windows.  My Perl experience is nearly all from using it on various
> flavours of Unix.

I was in the same boat many moons ago.  Don't sweat it too much.

> I'm just slightly concerned over the execution, particularly of the
> class exercises as the end of each section.  Can anybody who's done this
> kind of thing before offer advice on any pitfalls I ought to be aware
> of?

glob() can be fun, considering that it changes slightly from release to
release and platform to platform in (sometimes) surprising ways.

If you're doing basic Perl, then you may not get into things like fork(),
kill and other process handling things.  If you do be prepared to do a 
lot of explaining.  This also means that things you might expect to work

  open(FOO, "process|") || die;
  while(<FOO>) {

Don't always work.  Search your examples for things like this.  Fortunately
system() and backticks usually behave in a sane manner in Win32.

If you import example scripts and sample text files from Unix, remember 
to change your line terminators ahead of time.  That can be embarassing.

Speaking of "sample text files" don't use things like /etc/passwd for 
examples.  Everyone in Unix-land has seen it, sure, but it's just cryptic
and annoying to Windows folk.  (And rightly so.)  INI files, registry 
dumps, cookie and bookmark files all make good example text files.

Otherwise, the main problem I've had is people wanting to know how to 
pop up dialog boxes.  :)

    Clinton A. Pierce              Teach Yourself Perl in 24 Hours  *and*
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Perl Developer's Dictionary -- May 2001
"If you rush a Miracle Man,     for details, see http://geeksalad.org     
        you get rotten Miracles." --Miracle Max, The Princess Bride

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