On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Peter Scott wrote:

>   Wordpad is better than Notepad if any of your files come from Unix; the 
> former handles the line terminators, the latter displays them as 
> boxes.  There are of course much better unbundled editors; gvim works nicely.
>   Double clicking on a program will cause the output to flash in a DOS 
> window and promptly go away.  I use something like
> END { print "Done, hit <RETURN>: " and <STDIN> if $^O =~ /Win32/ }
>   You will spend most of your excess time going, "Ok, just grep the files 
> for the line containing -- oh, wait a minute --"

While the use of wordpad can be helpful in this regard I would have
thought that encountering a Unix LINE FEED file in a "Perl on Windows"  
class would have been an opportune time to introduce how to deal with them
on Windows using perl.  Recall that most Unices already have a working tr
and/or sed program whereas most Windows machines do not (unless they're
developers working with MKS, U/Win, Cygwin, etc.).  You can use perl on
either/both unix or Windows to deal with the end of line problem.

For example, ftp a file over from unix to Windows specifying bin for 
binary transfer then run:

    C:\>perl -pe "s/\n/\n/g" myunix_file.dat > mywin_file.dat

problem solved - using perl.

Peter Prymmer

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