[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tim Maher) writes:
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 03:09:09PM -0700, William R Ward wrote:
> > 
> > I've talked to just about everyone I can think of who might be able to
> > help, and have just about run out of ideas.  It's easy to get a room,
> You should talk to somebody in the nationwide training business! 8-}

That's what I'm trying to do.  Trouble is, I haven't been able to find
any of these firms you list until now.

> > but to get a room with computers is hard.  And I don't have the funds
> > to buy a half-dozen PC's, nor the roadies to schlep them to the site
> > and back each time.  I want a room that already has PC's in it.  And
> > there is the problem.
> > 
> > Any suggestions would be welcome.  I'm located in the San Francisco
> > Bay Area, in case you have any specific ideas; but general tips would
> > be welcome as well.
> You might want to check out www.classrooms4u.com and
> www.catrainingcenters.com, both of which rent out computer-filled
> rooms nationwide; there are lots of other outfits as well. You should
> expect to pay upwards of about $1k per day for your rental, although
> you might be able to pay on a number-of-students basis too. However,
> there are a few caveats you should keep in mind when shopping for this
> type of service:

I was hoping for something quite a bit less than $1k!  But I'll
contact them and see what I can find.  Luckily I live in the area
where I want to have the class, so it should be easy to verify the
quality of the facilities.

> Of course, the other problem is that 99% of these facilities will be
> giving you Windows boxes, although some of them might let you serve
> Unix/Linux to them via telnet from over your laptop, or from over the
> Internet.

That's what ActivePerl is for.  Windows is a perfectly adequate
platform for Perl development.

> In summary, I have some experience and knowledge of
> computer-classroom rental companies, but I haven't found one I like
> enough to use on a regular basis, or recommend to anybody yet.
> Anybody know a good outfit?

I'm anxious to hear if anyone has suggestions too...  thanks!

William R Ward            [EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.wards.net/~bill/
AMAZING BUT TRUE: There is so much sand in northern Africa that if it were
                  spread out it would completely cover the Sahara Desert!

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