Damian Conway is presenting some seminars in Kirkland, WA (near
Seattle).  Seats are still available.

    Mon-Tue  7/15-16/2002  Advanced OO Perl
    Wed      7/17/2002     Advanced Module Implementation Techniques
    Thu      7/18/2002     Programming Perl 6

As a Perl trainer, I have learned as much from watching Damian's
teaching style as I have from absorbing the content.  And that's quite
a bit.  Because I'm usually in the front of the training room, I
appreciate an opportunity to observe other trainers plying their
craft.  I'll even attend a seminar where the content isn't
particularly interesting for the opportunity to observe another
trainer's delivery style.  But I *do* find Damian's content

I've been amazed at the number of simultaneous channels Damian works
-- beginner, intermediate, manager, hacker, punster, computer
scientist, mad scientist....  Like a fugue, you can listen to the
basic theme, but upon deeper inspection, there's a lot more going on.

I've had an opportunity to hear some of his talks a second time, and
when I have, I've observed and interviewed some audience members.
Everyone gets something -- neophyte, hacker, old timer, even the
(non-Perlish) wife of a collegue.

I have been inspired by his teaching style, and learned much about
training by attending his presentations.  And I've learned a lot about
Perl, too.

Because there are still seats available for next week's seminars, I
have been authorized by Tim Maher (whose company, Consultix, is
sponsoring these seminars) to announce a special price -- $350/day
($200/day off the already great price).

Repeat -- $350/day.  For a Damian Seminar.  I call that a great value.
As Perl trainers, you'll recognize what a great value that is when you
compare it to what the students in your class typically pay per day.

Come learn something about training as you learn a lot about Perl.

So, if you'd like to attend, act fast, follow the registration
directions, then sit back and enjoy the seminar.

For more information:
    http://teachmeperl.com (then click "Advanced Perl Classes")

To register:
    Follow the "REGISTER ME" link 
    call Tim Maher at Consultix on 206/781-8649

Michael R. Wolf
    All mammals learn by playing!

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