On Sep 08, 2005, at 11:22 , Jerzy Giergiel wrote:
sorry for bugging people here with a trivial question. I need to convert from MacRoman encoding to asci (7-bit). Encode package simply replaces out of range characters with a question mark. I need something intelligent lexically speaking. For example aacute should be converted to a. Any suggestions?

Maybe you need to implement your own fallback method.
FYI Encode already has fallback methods as follows.

  $ascii = encode("ascii", $utf8, $fallbacks);


  $fallback is      รก (U+00E1) will be
  Encode::FB_PERLQQ \x{00E1}
  Encode::HTMLCREF  á
  Encode::XMLCREF   á

If any of that will suffice, go ahead use it. If it does not, you have go go like this;

$ascii = $utf8;
$ascii =~ s/([^\x00-\x7f])/&your_own_fallback($1)/eg;

Hope that helps.

Dan the Encode Maintainer

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