
I am trying to ececute next code with module WIN32::OLE:

$sec_tbl=Win32::OLE->new('TEClient.SlotTable') or die "oops: $!\n";
$sec_tbl->Open($obj->ID,"SECURITIES") or warn "unable to open table 
Win32::OLE->WithEvents($sec_tbl, \&table_events);

sub table_events
   my ($obj,$event,@args) = @_;
        print "Event triggered for: '$event'\n";

But it throws the exception:

Win32::OLE(*0*.*1709*) error 0x80004002: "No such interface supported"
Even i do

Win32::OLE->WithEvents($all_tbl, \&table_events,'_ISlotTableEvents');

it throws other exception:

error 0x80070057: 'The parameter is incorrect'

But when work with another object, thats ok:

my $sl = Win32::OLE->new('TEClient.Slot') or die "oops: $!\n";

Win32::OLE->WithEvents($sl, \&slot_events);

Name of interface i took from documentation for current object. What did i do wrong? Is this module's feature? Can you help me?

p.s. full code is attached.

Best regards, Maksim.
package tbl_event_handler;

sub AddRow {
        print "AddRow!!\n";

package main;
use locale;
use strict;
#use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE qw(EVENTS);
use Data::Dumper;

my ($msg,$connect);
my ($all_tbl,$sec_tbl,$tr_tbl,$hdl_tbl);

Win32::OLE->Option(Warn => 3, _Unique => 1);

my $sl = Win32::OLE->new('TEClient.Slot') or die "oops: $!\n";
Win32::OLE->WithEvents($sl, \&slot_events);

print "SlotID=",$sl->ID."\n";

#print "\n",Data::Dumper->Dump([ $sl ]);

# Slot connecting
print "Slot is connecting...";
my $open=$sl->Open($sl->ID);
        die "error: ".Win32::OLE->LastError.'\n';
my $state=$sl->GetCurrentState();
print "Slot's state=$state\n";

# Main cycle

# Subs
sub slot_events
    my ($obj,$event,@args) = @_;
        if ($event eq 'Connected')
                print "Slot ".$obj->ID." is connected\n";
        elsif($event eq 'Synchronized')
                # Òàáëèöà âñåõ ñäåëîê
                #$obj->ActivateTable($obj->ID,"ALL_TRADES") or warn "unable to 
open table ALL_TRADES!\n";
                $all_tbl=Win32::OLE->new('TEClient.SlotTable') or die "oops: 
                Win32::OLE->WithEvents($all_tbl, \&tbl_events, 
                $all_tbl->Open($obj->ID,"ALL_TRADES") or warn "unable to open 
table ALL_TRADES!\n";             
                print "\nLoading tables...done\n";
        elsif($event eq 'Error')
                warn "Error ",$args[2]," in slot ",$args[0],". Code 
        elsif($event eq 'Disconnected')
                die "End script\n";
                print "Event triggered for: '$event'\n";
    #print "Event triggered for: '$Event'\n";

sub tbl_events
    my ($obj,$event,@args) = @_;
        print "Table event triggered for: '$event'\n";
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