Hi All,

Can someone help me with these 2 question that I have?
1) How can I print the date of the Last password set? It is telling me that it 
is a hash.
2) Can I specify a specific DomainName\UserID to the Win32::OLE object and 
search for that user info instead just getting the current user logged on info 
that run the program?


use Win32::OLE;
use strict;

my $sysinfo = Win32::OLE->new('ADSystemInfo') || die ("Can't get sysinfo: " 
my $userDN=$sysinfo->{UserName};

my $adsuser = Win32::OLE->GetObject("LDAP://$userDN") || die ("Can't find user: 
print "CN: $adsuser->{cn}\n";
print "Username: $adsuser->{Samaccountname}\n";
print "Last set: $adsuser->{pwdLastSet}\n";

This is my output:
CN: Smith, James
Username: jsmith
Last set: Win32::OLE=HASH(0x19a3b04)

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