Reini Urban wrote:
Robert May schrieb:
Reini Urban wrote:
samples/ is either missing as file in CVS, or
wrongly in MANIFEST.
same for :
Win32-GUI-Constants/Changes removed (will add again later, when finished)



Thanks. Builds now almost under cygwin.

1. samples/ is still in MANIFEST

Oops. My bad. I'll check in the missing file before the end of the weekend.

2. In Makefile for gnu make the "-" before cp didn't work for me to copy the demos. So I changed that to

        $(MKPATH) $(INST_DEMO)
        $(CP) samples/*.pl $(INST_DEMO)
        $(CP) samples/*.cur $(INST_DEMO)
        $(CP) samples/*.bmp $(INST_DEMO)
        $(CP) samples/*.ico $(INST_DEMO)

Otherwise the errorlevel is set:
cp samples/* blib/lib/Win32/GUI/demos
cp: omitting directory `samples/CVS'
make: [demos] Error 1 (ignored)

That look like it is expected to. The "-" before the cp results in the "(ignored)" on the last line: cp is returning a non-zero exit status, but make (which would normally abort when this happens), is ignoring it and continuing.

The files should have all been copied correctly. I'll address a better way of copying the demo files (similar to that done in the subdirs) in a future release, but not immediately.

The changes you propose should not be necessary.

3. gnu make, make test, make install doesn't recurse into the subdirs Win32-GUI-AxWindow, Win32-GUI-DIBitmap, Win32-GUI-Grid

That's by design. None of those 3 modules can be built (as far as I know) with gcc, as they rely on one or other of the MFC or ATL frameworks, which only come with MS compilers.

You should have a message during the 'perl Makefile.PL' stage that these modules will be skipped during the build. If not, then check the very latest CVS, as there was a bug where I wasn't closing a file descriptor properly, resulting in those messages disappearing into a file I had been writing earlier.


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