Reini Urban wrote:
2006/6/18, Robert May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
3. gnu make, make test, make install doesn't recurse into the subdirs
Win32-GUI-AxWindow, Win32-GUI-DIBitmap, Win32-GUI-Grid
That's by design.  None of those 3 modules can be built (as far as I
know) with gcc, as they rely on one or other of the MFC or ATL
frameworks, which only come with MS compilers.
Ok, I'll port them then. Shouldn't be that hard to produce


Indeed, the real problem are the header files, which are not available
in /usr/include/w32api
I simply copy the original MSVC (6) MFC headers to a private subdir
and patch these there.
The stack manipulation #pragmas and some more MS specifics need to be addressed.
If I have a working Stdafx.o the rest is easy.

That's OK as an approach for doing a private build, and a binary distribution, but AFAIK those headers don't have a re-distributable licence, so we won't be able to add them to the project source.


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