Below you can see a subroutine I use to select files out of a list view
based on some search string.
This works in that it goes through the items in the listview, finds the ones
that fit the criteria, selects them with the $ListView->Select() function
and when it's all done it counts how many items are selected (with
ListView->SelectCount) and displays the output.
The only problem is that you can't SEE which items it has selected. They are
selected, but not highlighted.

Any ideas?

                Tim Thomas

sub SelectORIG_Click {SelectFiles("orig");}
sub SelectSM_Click {SelectFiles('-sm');}
sub SelectMD_Click {SelectFiles('-md');}
sub SelectLG_Click {SelectFiles('-lg');}

sub SelectFiles
        my ($criteria)=@_;
        for $i(0..$ListView->Count()-1)
                my %data=$ListView->ItemInfo($i);
                        if ($criteria ne "orig")
                                if ($data{-text}=~/$criteria/)
                                        #Win32::MsgBox("Selected item
$i($data{-text})", 0, "DEBUG");
                        elsif (!($data{-text}=~/-/) and ($data{-text} ne
".") and ($data{-text} ne ".."))
                                #Win32::MsgBox("Selected item
$i($data{-text})", 0, "DEBUG");
        my $count=$ListView->SelectCount();
        Win32::MsgBox("There are $count items selected", 0, "DEBUG");


Tim Thomas
Unix Systems Administrator
Lockheed Martin EIS · Denver Data Center

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