Title: [perl-win32-gui]: working with a ListBox (Q&A with code, also a reasonable "hello world" level example)
first: my apologies to those who aren't interested in this discussion
       (but i'm sure you wouldn't be subscribed to a mailing list otherwise :)
i have been working through the debug process on this problem and think
i have an answer ...
if you change the appropriate sections as indicated below, you can get a reaction
out of the program
    1) the GotFocus (GF) event handler is much better than the 'Click' [EH]
        because it gets a response from the program (period)
        if you watch the results, you click on and recieve a -1
        well, if you click off the window and click on one of the list items
        again you recieve the index of the value you were on just a
        moment ago
        -- it seems that if you run the program this way, you're always one
           step behind
       how to fix it ...
            add the line:
                my $ListSelection = $theListBox->SelectedItem();
            ... to a function that you plan on calling AFTER highlighting your Listbox.
            (if for example, you had to have a "submit" button for the for the user after
            they'd selected all their choices, place the above line in there)
it's a bit of a hack workaround i geuss ... but seeing as how the program does not seem to
behave intuitively it may simply be the way you have to do it for now    :)
        hope this helps :)!
-----Original Message-----
From: Chesser, Alex [CAR:C556:EXCH]
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2000 9:55 AM
Subject: [perl-win32-gui]: working with a ListBox (Q&A with code, also a r easonable "hello world" level example)

sub TheListBox_ GotFocus {
        my $ListSelection = $theListBox->SelectedItem();
        print ",$ListSelection\n";


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