Title: [perl-win32-gui]: working with a ListBox (Q&A with code, also a reasonable "hello world" level example)

here is a (modified) program that i've been working on
the original code comes from a gentleman named Jonathan
(the rest is left out to protect anonimity)

it's a pretty simple proggie and dosen't really do anything
but it runs (if you've installed win32::GUI) ...

it's a reasonable "hello world" level example of how to make
a window and how to put buttons and stuff on it (if you know
how to read code that is)

i've added some comments to those ends ... i've also admitted
where i don't know what's going on ... if you do, changing the
comments to make them more useful would really be just GREAT <g>

in the "theListBox" function at the bottom i need some help
if you know how to do this, please help

for the rest, i hope it helps the "newbies"

use Win32::GUI;

# i don't know what this line is for but i assume you need it <g>
($DOShwnd, $DOShinstance) = GUI::GetPerlWindow();

# these lines close the dos window that pops up after executing the
# program from windows ... for testing, i'd leave them commented out
# click on the "headcount" button to see why

# these are also important (i geuss) but i don't know why
my $screen_width = Win32::GUI::GetSystemMetrics(0);
my $screen_height = Win32::GUI::GetSystemMetrics(1);

# set the constants used for the dimensions of your box
my $minwidth = 350;
my $minheight = 200;

# if you have an icon handy when you run this
# section that icon becomes the fancy picture your
# program uses (you also got to un-comment the
# appropriate line under $DataWindow
# my $dbv_icon = new Win32::GUI::Icon("My.ico");
# my $dbv_class = new Win32::GUI::Class(
#          -name => "My Funky Class",
#          -icon => $dbv_icon,

my $DataMenu = new Win32::GUI::Menu(
        # pulldown heading, note the "&" andpersand,
        # in this context it is used to indicate
        # which letter gets the little underliney bit

        "&File" => "File",

        # pulldown subheading
        "   >  Open &Headcount" => "Headcount",

        # pulldown subheading separator
        "   >   -" => 0,
        "   >   E&xit" => "FileExit",

        # This is to re-enforce menu-building structure
        "&Next" => "AnotherMenuHeading",
        "   >   -" => 0,

# hopefully this is self explanitory

$DataWindow = new Win32::GUI::Window(
        -name   => "DataWindow",
        # orientation, where the window starts
        -top    => ($screen_width - $minwidth)/2,
        -left   => ($screen_height - $minheight)/2,
        # taken from the constants above ... these are the dimensions o
        -width  => $minwidth,
        -height => $minheight,

        -title  => "Simple Win32::GUI Window - by Alex Chesser (with some blatant CutandPaste from Jonathan) ",
        #put the menu (defined in "$DataMenu" above) onto the window
        -menu   => $DataMenu,

        # make a little icon (notes above)
        #-class  => $dbv_class,

# this is where we build and orient the
# listbox, it's sortof like painting it
# on the window

$theListBox = $DataWindow->AddListbox(
        -name     => "TheListBox",
        -text     => "&The List Box",
        -top      => 30,
        -left     => 15,
        -height   => 120,
        -width    => 20,
        -multisel => 0,

# same as $theListBox but for a button
# i included this one to show you
# something that works ;)

$Headcount = $DataWindow->AddButton(
        -name   => "Headcount",
        -text   => "Open &Headcount",
        -top    => 15,
        -left   => $DataWindow->ScaleWidth -95,
        -width  => 90,
        -height => 25,

#  after the above "painting" stage, we display the window.
#  then we tell it to enter a "mainloop", essentially
#  sit there and and wait for inputs
#  (for fun, comment it out and see what happens to the program)

# if the button named "Headcount" gets a "_Click", run this sub

sub Headcount_Click {
        my $headcount_filename = Win32::GUI::GetOpenFileName();
        print "$headcount_filename,$ListSelection\n";

#  this is the bit that i'd like some help with
#  i'd like to set

sub TheListBox_Click {
        my $ListSelection = $theListBox->SelectedItem();
        print ",$ListSelection\n";

# someone clicks File->exit
sub FileExit_Click {

# someone clicks the 'X' window (haha ... not the X-window but the x on the window)
sub DataWindow_Terminate {

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