Hi Barry,

Yes, Aldo addressed the tab question by recommending the use of the Dialog
window. The question about radio button groups was mine first I think.  The
answer hasn't been addressed just yet though.  I too love to play with it.

Thanks Aldo,

Phil Larson

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of O'Sullivan, Barry
> A
> Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 9:46 AM
> Subject: [perl-win32-gui] radio buttons & resizing window questions
>       Hi all
>       I'm enjoying using this GUI. I would love lots more examples
>       and source code if anybody would like to post
>       whatever they have. Some questions :
>       1. There seems to be a problem when using
>       multiple groups of radio buttons. When I click on
>       a radio button it turns "on" okay but if any other
>       group of radio buttons exists on the form, it also affects
>       the other group by turning 'off' any activated button  on that
>       other group. It seems all radio buttons on a form belong to
>       the same group.
>       I believe in VB, radio button groups are 'contained' within frames
>       which don't seem to be available in win32 GUI although Aldo's
>       example using style GROUPBOX works very well except
>       for the multiple group problem.
>       2. Also, someone just asked this but I'd also like to know
>       the answer. How do you create a window which cannot be resized?
>       3. Any progress on allowing tabbing between text fields in a Window.
>       I understand from other posts that it's possible using a Dialog Box
>       but not yet implemented in Window.
>       It's a beautiful tool and lots of fun to play around with. Thanks
> Aldo
>       and everyone who helps
>               Barry
>               "Up Wexford"

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