> I'm using, and there's no room for NT :-(
> What's missing from Win95, that NT has?
The command.com shell that WIn95/98 uses is not compatible with the make
files generated by perl.  It does not support certain commands like 'cd path
&& some_command'.

I have had success in building Perl on Win98 using 4DOS from 'Rex Conn & JP
Software Inc' along with DevStudio.

> Anyway, I need Win-32-GUI (of course) and xml::simple.
> Win-32-GUI includes XS files, right?
Yes, it does.  Win32-GUI uses some header files and libraries that are only
available with VC++ 6.0.  V5.0 will not work.

Building modules on Win95 does not work too well for the reasons I have
listed before.

You don't need to Build Perl of Win32-GUI compiled versions of both are
available.  Check the archives of this newsgroup on how to install

>>The Perl build for Win32 is incomplete - it does not make the html files.
> Which one do you mean?
The Perl source which is available from CPAN

Indy Singh
DynamicSTATE Software  --  www.dynamicstate.com

----- Original Message -----
From: marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2000 5:24 PM
Subject: Re: [perl-win32-gui] Compiling the module

> On 18.6.2000 at 14:06 Indy Singh wrote:
> >MSVC 5.0 works hassle free provided you are on WinNT.  On Win98 you
> will have many problems.
> >What OS are you using and what modules do you need?
> Win95 unfortunately, and I'm not able to get rid of it on the computer
> I'm using, and there's no room for NT :-(
> What's missing from Win95, that NT has?
> Anyway, I need Win-32-GUI (of course) and xml::simple. Win-32-GUI
> includes XS files, right?
> I only just discovered the DynamicState port of Perl after I'd asked
> here. I thought I needed to use the same compiler with the modules as
> the binary was compiled with?
> Marcus Friedlaender

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