> From: "David Hiltz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > BTW, I've been pushing Win32-GUI over on Advocacy and pointing out that
> > > things might be nice if someone did a little funding to help things
> > >  along.  Maybe O'Reilly will come up with enough for a book :-))
> >
> >   Yes, it would be better to get a few more technical folks involved with
> >   the advancement of Win32-GUI.  I was thinking Activestate could gain
> >   quite a bit by taking over or helping with the project.  They would then
> have
> >   a nice GUI API for Perl which is what most people want when they
> >    program under Windows.
>     ActiveState might.  But they get most of their development money from
> Microsoft and I donno if micro~1 wants the VB/vC++ competition.  <shrugs>


> and AS may be too busy right now with both Perl and Python plugins for
> Visual Studio coming out.

  ...and Komodo (sp?) the other Perl/Phython IDE based on the modular
  design of Netscape 6.

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