> I'm a relative newbie to Win32::GUI. I've hacked my way through most of examples
> to get almost everything I need, but I'm now hitting a brick wall trying to
> figure out checkboxes. Does anyone know where I can find reference to %options
> that is scattered throughout the documentation, as I think this is all I need.
> Win32::GUI is excellent, especially for a beta. I've tried out Tk as well, but I
> prefer the flexibilty of Win32::GUI.

  I think Tk/Perl is just as flexable if not more than Win32:GUI and it's
  well documented.  The reason I'm using Win32::GUI is that I like the
  native look of Windows more than X-Windows.  Microsoft did a nice job
  designing the GUI in Windows.  Also, my users are comfortable with Windows
  widgets and introducting an Xwindows lookandfeel would only confused them.

  That's my reasons.

   David Hiltz
   Unix System and Network Administrator
   Northeast Fisheries Science Center

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