At 01:53 PM 08/03/99 -0500, David wrote:
>  I think Tk/Perl is just as flexable if not more than Win32:GUI and it's
>  well documented.  The reason I'm using Win32::GUI is that I like the
>  native look of Windows more than X-Windows.  Microsoft did a nice job
>  designing the GUI in Windows.  Also, my users are comfortable with Windows
>  widgets and introducting an Xwindows lookandfeel would only confused them.

>From a usability standpoint the Windows native controls are much better --
keyboard navigation is possible for *every* aspect of Windows.  I *never*
use the mouse.  I think Windows is the only major GUI that allows this.

Also, I think TK is a bit slower.  I ran some of the demos on my PII-333
and there was a noticeable delay as checkboxes got checked and unchecked.

Mind you, it would be nice to be able to write a Win32::GUI app and then be
able to automatically convert it to use TK in order to make the
cross-platform version.  While I'm at it, I'd like a pony...:)


Michael Graham

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