
Thanks for posting your foldersize program. I am trying to use
it to put together a script that will allow users to get a graphical
way to select a perl script to run and the design it should work

I can't figure out how to just populate the listview with the
contents of a known starting point (slightly different than your
case of using the dropdown to supply the starting point. Can
you help me out? I think I have to have three separate listviews,
one for the perl scripts, one for the design area and one for the
design name. Then the user selects one item in each and hits
a run button to run the script. I think I am confused about what
you have to do after the "insert" step. Is it an Update or a 
SetFocus? Aldo's documentation is a bit incomplete.

As for double clicks, I think I have them working (I wanted a 
double click to navigate down the hierarchy and a single click to 
select the item). I changed your _Click to _DblClick and made
an empty _Click and it worked when I double clicked. 


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, May 12, 2000 4:57 AM
> Subject:      [perl-win32-gui] Foldersize
> This may be of interest to some of you so thought I'd send it in.  Its a
> simple 
> script for displaying the size of directories.  If you run it and specify
> a 
> directory as a parameter it will list all the subdirectories beneath that 
> directory along with the total size of the subdirectories.  If there is a
> large 
> amount of data in a subdirectory this can take some time to run.
> Clicking on a directory opens up that directory, you can then click the
> Show 
> Sizes checkbox to start scanning.  Column sorting should work for both the
> Folder and Size columns.
> I've only been able to get single clicks recognised in ListViews.  Does
> anyone 
> have any thoughts on how double clicks and right clicks could be used?  I 
> suspect its just not possible with the current version.  I've tried
> everything 
> I can think of (including trying to simulate double clicks by having a
> timer 
> reset a global variable which is set by the ItemClick event) but have had
> no 
> luck.  The annoying thing about this is that you lose the ability to
> select via 
> the keyboard (KeyDown and SelectedItems work but as soon as an item is 
> highlighted the ItemClick event is fired off).
> The other thing that would be good is a better way to work out the
> available 
> drives.  Someone has sent me a TK widget to do this but I haven't had a
> chance 
> to look at it yet.
> Hope this will prove useful to someone,
> Kev.
>  << File: >> 

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