Title: Message
You may be interested in a synopsis of the current pest - BadtransB Virus.  I hopes this helps you.

Quick summary & FYI on Badtrans.B worm - leaves backdoors & logs data

    Badtrans.B arrives in the recipient's in-box with a "Re:" subject line to an e-mail actually sent by the user

    The Badtrans.B variant is executed when a user opens an infected e-mail, and does not require a user to click on an attachment

    Badtrans.B also runs a key logger program. The data gathered by the key logger is saved in encrypted form on the system's hard drive

    The attachments included with the worm will appear to be .MP3, .DOC or .ZIP files, but are actually double extension files with .SCR or .PIF extensions. These attachments are 13,312 bytes in length, according to Network Associates.

    The patch can be found at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/bulletin/MS01-027.asp.

The complete article is at  ITworld.com  dated 11/26/01 by Sam Costello, IDG News Service, Boston Bureau

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