Johan Lindstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>When open doesn't, print the error message.

Actually, I did.  Its just that the system its failing on doesn't 
have a good internet connection, and when I was describing the 
problem,  I was typing in stuff from memory and I forgot to enter
the code which prints $!.  The error I'm getting is "Invalid 
Argument". (I think - I did mention it in my last post).

The file name is "E:\BU_0\C\Prefs".  That is to say:


DOS>perl E:\BU_0\C\Prefs

gets an error message:

Unable to open "E:\BU_0\C\Prefs" for reading (Invalid Argument)

and typing:

DOS>type E:\BU_0\C\Prefs

works fine (causing the contents of the file to be sent to the
screen. I've tried doubling the backslashes, and making it all
caps, etc.  It also works fine as is on a different Win 98 system.
Its just failing on this one system.

Anybody got any ideas?  I'd appreciate a reply to me, not just
the list, because I only subscribe to the digest, and its not
really well formatted for anything but a quick scan.


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