What about the following...

Excerpt from:

sub ConvertStringSidToSid {
        my($text) = @_;

        my(@Values) = split(/\-/, $text);
        (shift(@Values) eq 'S' && scalar(@Values) >= 3) or return;
        my $Revision = shift(@Values);
        my $IdentifierAuthority = shift(@Values);
        if (substr($IdentifierAuthority, 0, 2) eq '0x') {
                $IdentifierAuthority = pack("H12",
substr($IdentifierAuthority, 2));
        } else {
                $IdentifierAuthority = pack("nN", 0,
        return pack("CCa6V*", $Revision, scalar(@Values),
$IdentifierAuthority, @Values);


-----Original Message-----
From: perl-win32-users-boun...@listserv.activestate.com
[mailto:perl-win32-users-boun...@listserv.activestate.com] On Behalf Of
Barry Brevik
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 11:30 AM
To: perl Win32-users
Subject: Help with LookupAccountSID (again)

Previously I had asked for help with Win32::LookupAccountSID().
Specifically, the call requires that the SID be in a binary format.

One helpful user pointed me to this:

All of that works, except the article's author is first getting the
binary SID from the Win32::LookupAccountName() call, which is a chicken
and egg thing.

I need to know how to convert a SID like this:

...into its equivalent binary form for use in the
Win32::LookupAccountSID() call. Does anyone out there know how to do


Barry Brevik

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