Hi all,

In an effort to put my money where my mouth is regarding
my remarks about MARC-in-JSON vis-a-vis a Pairs version,
I've uploaded some modules under the MARC::Utils


The first will convert from a MARC::Record object
to a MARC-in-JSON data structure and back.  (Note
that it doesn't actually convert to JSON -- but that's
easy to do yourself.)

The second will convert to and from a Data::Pairs
structure, and the third, to and from an Ini file string.

I'm not sure what your interface for MARC-in-JSON in
MARC::Record will look like, so maybe this is in conflict
with that -- or maybe not.

Anyway, my reasoning is to provide more than one way
to represent MARC data outside of the usual, but still be
easy to convert back.  My motivation is primarily to be
able to present a human-readable/editable version of MARC
data that I can then read back and process.

I've already talked about the "pairs of pairs" idea that I
think presents a nice interface in YAML.  The MARC2Ini
introduces another idea: one can faithfully represent MARC
data using an Ini file format.  The caveat is that you must
process this as if it were a "pairs of pairs" representation.

What I mean is that most Ini file processing will treat this:

a = Judith Smith
a = Andrew Jackson
a = Bill Wyatt

the same as this:

a = Judith Smith
a = Bill Wyatt
a = Andrew Jackson

The module I uploaded does not.

Since it's easier to explain an idea with a working
example, I thought I'd upload these modules to show
what I'm thinking of.  Error checking and tests are
sparse yet.  They assume they're getting good data.

I have no plans to appropriate MARC::Utils itself,
i.e., I won't create a MARC/Utils.pm file (but I
can imagine other from/to variations, e.g.,

But I'm also not wedded to having these in the
MARC::Utils namespace.  If the modules look at all
useful, I'd be glad to hear suggestions for a better
location and/or for better names.



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