On Thursday, January 12, 2012 11:59 AM, arvinport...@lycos.com 
[mailto:arvinport...@lycos.com]  wrote:
>I could have sworn I have processed MARC records containing newlines with no 
>problems in the past (I.e., not records converted from XML), though I've never 
>tried to validate them with MARCEdit.
>Looks like MARC::Record is doing its job correctly. Perhaps changing 
>MARC::File::XML is in order.

MARC::File::USMARC includes a line in sub _next:

     # remove illegal garbage that sometimes occurs between records
    $usmarc =~ s/^[ \x00\x0a\x0d\x1a]+//;

If I remember correctly, I believe this was added a few years ago in response 
to similar questions about new lines appearing in records (or after someone 
experienced problems with new lines and/or end-of-file characters in files of 
records--the new line removal may have always been there; I think I may have 
added 1A after finding it in some files I was working with).

I'm not familiar with MARC::File::XML to know how it deals with end of line 


Bryan Baldus
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses

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