> From: Nolte, Jennifer [mailto:jennifer.no...@yale.edu]
> Sent: Monday, January 25, 2010 09:48 AM
> To: perl4lib@perl.org
> Subject: Splitting a large file of MARC records into smaller files
> Hello-
> I am working with files of MARC records that are over a million records
> each. I'd like to split them down into smaller chunks, preferably using
> a command line. MARCedit works, but is slow and made for the desktop.
> I've looked around and haven't found anything truly useful- Endeavor's
> MARCsplit comes close but doesn't separate files into even numbers,
> only by matching criteria, so there could be lots of record duplication
> between files.
> Any idea where to begin? I am a (super) novice Perl person.

I use the following handy script I created many-many years ago.  Consider 
it to be in the public domain.

# Usage:
#    perl MARC21-split.pl [-d#] [-n#] [-pPrefix] [-sSuffix] *.marc
#    perl MARC21-split.pl -d3 -n10000 -pbib -s.marc *.marc
#      Creates files with three digits sequence number that have 10,000
#      records per file: bib001.marc, bib002.marc, etc.
# Options:
#    -d   number of digits for sequence number
#    -n   number of records per file
#    -p   prefix text before sequence number
#    -s   suffix text after sequence number

package main;           # The current package name
require 5.003;          # The current package requires Perl v5.003 or later.

BEGIN { unshift(@INC,'.') }

use Carp;               # Perl package, see documentation

my $PACKAGE = 'main';

###################### VARIABLES #####################

my $crlf = "\n";      # ASCII newline.

my $recd = "\x1D";    # MARC21 record delimiter.
my $fldd = "\x1E";    # MARC21 field  delimiter.
my $subd = "\x1F";    # MARC21 field  separator.

###################### INLINE CODE #####################

# Change Perls default record delimiter.
$/ = $recd;

# Set defaults for command line options.
my $recs   = 1;
my $digits = 2;
my $prefix = '';
my $suffix = '.mrc';

# Initialize total record count to zero.
my $total = 0;

print STDERR join("\r\nARG=",'',@ARGV),"\r\n";

# Process command line.
foreach $FileMARC (@ARGV) {
  my $FileOUT = undef;

  # Process command line options.
  if ($FileMARC =~ m/^[\-][Dd]/) {
    $FileMARC =~ s/^[\-][Dd]//;

    if (($digits = $FileMARC) !~ m/\d+/ || $recs == 0) {
      $digits = 1;

  } elsif ($FileMARC =~ m/^[\-][Nn]/) {
    $FileMARC =~ s/^[\-][Nn]//;

    if (($recs = $FileMARC) !~ m/\d+/ || $recs == 0) {
      $recs = 1;


  } elsif ($FileMARC =~ m/^[\-][Pp]/) {
    $FileMARC =~ s/^[\-][Pp]//;
    $prefix   = $FileMARC;

  } elsif ($FileMARC =~ m/^[\-][Ss]/) {
    $FileMARC =~ s/^[\-][Ss]//;
    $suffix   = $FileMARC;

  # Open file from command line.
  open(MARC,'<'.$FileMARC) ||
    croak("$PACKAGE:: Cannot open input file '$FileMARC': $!");

  # Count each record in the file.
  my $count = 0;

  while (<MARC>) {

    # Open new output file when necessary.
    if (($total % $recs) == 0) {
      my $pattern = sprintf('%%s%%0%uu%%s',int($digits));
      $FileOUT = sprintf($pattern,$prefix,($total/$recs)+1,$suffix);

      # Open output file.
      open(OUT,'>'.$FileOUT) ||
        croak("$PACKAGE:: Cannot open output file '$FileOUT': $!");

    print OUT $_; ++$total;

    # Close output file when full.
    if (($total % $recs) == 0) {
      # Close file from command line.


  # Close file from command line.

  # Output total records in file and file name.
  print STDERR join("\t",$count,$FileMARC),$crlf;

# Output total record count and file count.
print STDERR join("\t",$total,"Total Records"),$crlf;
print STDERR join("\t",int($total/$recs)+1,"Total Files"),$crlf;

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