> >Simple solution.
> >If you want to require formats such as m/.../ (which I actually think is
> >good idea), then make it part of -w, -W, -ww, or -WW, which would be a
> >enhancement of strictness.
> That's like having "use strict" enable mandatory perlstyle compliance
> checks, and rejecting the program otherwise.  Doesn't seem sensible.
> --tom

Well, use strict refuses soft-links, and -w refuses use of undefined values.
It may be that these are easy to check for at the low level, and therefore
are candidates for flag-based operations.  But for style, I don't see why
the interpreter can't also check for various non-obscure syntaxes / styles.
I doubt that requireing m/.../ really would help parsing performance any

Compatibility is going to have to be maintained somehow.  And we can either
have some sort of perl6 designator (such as the pragma) to designate
incompatible (and otherwise ambiguous) code, or we're going to have to
continue tacking on syntactic sugar to legacy code.


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