> > And how about:
> > 
> >         int length = 256 ;
> > 
> > and, if that's legal, what does:
> > 
> >         print "I wonder what this is : " . length  ;
> > 
> > do?

> I imagine the first order of business for the C JIT team would be
> some conversion operators.  Numeric types stringify into decimal
> no reason to throw that away.

Well, the question was more one of the interaction between C statements and
Perl functions.

        int length = 256 ;

Isn't legal Perl.  It's legal C.  If it gets processed as C, though,

        print "I wonder what this is : " . length ;

becomes ambiguous -- do we get the C variable, or the Perl function?  (I
suspect that the only way for this to work out is to decide that perl
builtins are no longer legal C names.)

Likewise, if we do:

        $mode = 0755 ;
        $file = "Foobar" ;

        #include <sys/types.h>
        #include <sys/stat.h>

        chmod($mode, $file) ;

Which chmod gets called, perl or C?  What are the rules for figuring this


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