> From: Martin D Kealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 18 Nov 2002 11:50:14 +1300
> On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 07:37, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> > Due to ambiguities, the proposal to allow floating point in bases other 
> > than 10 is therefore squished.  If anyone still wants it, we can ask 
> > the design team to provide a final ruling.
> Why are we so hung up on spelling floating-point literals with "E"?
> What about a completely generic number format like:
> [radix:]whole-part[:fractional-part[:exponent[:exponent-radix[:options]]]]
> where whole-part, fractional-part and exponent can each include a sign
> and can each use dotted-digit notation, provided that radix is present,
> and radix and exponent-radix are written in base-ten.  The only useful
> option I can think of so far is "loose", meaning that digits can be
> larger than the radix.
> I would suggest that exponent-radix should default to the same as radix.
> So
>   10:1.2.3:4.5:6    == 123450000
>   2:1:1:1110        == 0x6000
>   60:22.0.-27::-2   == 21.9925

I've always wanted to meet The Devil. :)

Honestly, I can't tell by looking at that what those are supposed to
mean.  And I'm not putting any numbers that ugly into my Perl soup.
Perl 6 is trying to I<decrease> obfuscation.

My opinion: don't allow floating point arbitrary radix.  It's uncommon
enough that it could be done with a module.  It would be trivial with
a grammar munge.


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