> Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 14:49:25 -0500
> From: "Joseph F. Ryan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I think "easy enough with a grammar munge" gets tossed around way too
> often; don't forget, in addition to having to know how to hack the core
> grammer (which I assume won't be for the novice;

It's not for the novice.  But that's why there's modules.

> how often does it happen in perl5?),

Never.  Because you can't.  Perl 6 has the advantage that it's

> you'll have to write the code so that compiler knows how to handle
> it.  While not overly hard, I think its a little much for something
> that should be provided in the core.  I think the design team should
> at least account for the fact that someone will want to do this,
> even if it is uncommon.  If floating point radii doesn't make its
> way in the core language, I think it should at least be possible
> through a pragma.

Once again, or a module.  We don't want the Perl 6 core to be
minimal.  We don't want it to be maximal either; that's CPAN's job.

It seems to me (as Simon has pointed out many a-time) that too much is
going into the core.  I guess a lot of this stuff that's being talked
about is going to be in modules anyway... so I'm less worried than
when I started writing this paragraph :).


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