I suspect its the diff flags I use when I send to Dan.  I use -urN (or
which should create the new file if it doesn't exist but this happened last
I made a new file as well. That always worked when I used to send patches
to linux-kernel but I guess I could get with the program and learn CVS. :(

Dan what flags to you give patch when applying a recursive diff?

-Melvin Smith

IBM :: Atlanta Innovation Center
[EMAIL PROTECTED] :: 770-835-6984

 image moved to "David M. Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 
 file:          01/09/2002 02:50 PM                                

To:   Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:   Melvin Smith/ATLANTA/Contr/IBM@IBMUS, Parrot Internals
Subject:  Re: Problem with MANIFEST (missing io/io_unix.c)

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> At 02:39 PM 1/9/2002 -0500, Melvin Smith wrote:
> >Must be Dan's magic fingers again. I renamed io_os.c to io_unix.c but
> >probably
> >it got lost in the shuffle.
> Weird. It's in my local MANIFEST from the patch, and CVS is convinced
> that it's up to date. Resync?

After fresh resync:

[usrodl@ohno io]$ ls -l
total 31
drwxr-xr-x   2 usrodl   other         512 Jan  9 13:26 CVS/
-rw-r--r--   1 usrodl   other         444 Jan  3 21:57 TODO
-rw-r--r--   1 usrodl   other       13850 Jan  9 12:23 io.c
-rw-r--r--   1 usrodl   other        8000 Jan  9 12:23 io_stdio.c
-rw-r--r--   1 usrodl   other        7051 Jan  9 12:23 io_win32.c

No io_unix.c *or* io_os.c for that matter.

- D


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