At 2:55 PM -0500 2/12/02, Clark C . Evans wrote:
>     This proposal puts forth an extensible mechanism for the
>     adaptation of an object to a context where a specific type, class,
>     interface, or other protocol is expected.

I like the proposal, and I think it's dead-on in identifying a number 
of issues. Most of which we don't have to deal with as such at the 
lowest levels here (joys of a fixed set of required methods :) but 
building in a mechanism to deal with them at a higher level would be 
really useful.

It sounds like we need a doesa to mach isa--something that would let 
us check to see if a class provides a particular named interface, 
akin to seeing if a variable inherits from some baser class.

Java has its interfaces, there's the "Conforms To" bits from Apple's 
version of Objective C, Ruby's got mixins.... Anyone care to take a 
look around and get a nice and simple list of everyone's requirements 
if there's more than what Clark's listed?

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                       teddy bears get drunk

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