(Simon Cozens) wrote:

> It's a pretty simple concept. We need to assign one PMC to another.
> We'll have to do it all the time:
>     $a = $b;
> $a and $b are both PMCs, and we need to set the value of one to the
> value of the other, so let's write it as
>     set P1, P2
> Excellent. Until, of course, we have to implement it. We'll implement
> it by calling some vtable method on P1, that much is obvious. But which
> one?

Actually I don't think that it is obvious at all.

I see three cases.

Both $a and $b are untyped ("my $a;"). This is easy, duplicate $b and its 
dynamic type (e.g. $b is a reference to a hash, then $a becomes another 
reference to that hash; $b holds an int then $a will hold a copy of that 

Both $a and $b and typed, with the same type, this is the other easy 
case---copy the value again.

However if $a and $b are of difference types (e.g. $a is an int and $b in 
untyped, or $a is a string and $b is an reference to an array of snafu). 
There could be two ways of writing this: $a does the conversion (has a 
"set_from_xxxx" method), or $b does it (has a "get_as_yyyy" method). Given 
dynamic loading and adding extra types, the types may not know about each 
other when those types were implemented.

In the worst case, types created independently without any knowledge of 
the other we can only do something like "stringise and unstringise" or 
raise a "don't know how to convert error" (quite possibly at compile 

If one type knows about the other then it should be possible to ask it to 
do the conversion (and some sort of arbitrary "assignee's conversion wins" 
in case of both ways possible). Thus given:

  my snafu $a = Something();
  my foobar $b;
  $b = $a;

the compiler tries:

  does foobar have a set P1, P2, "snafu" method?
  yes -> use it
  does snafu have a get_as "foobar" method?
  yes -> use it
  else see above (go via some intermediate type or error)

The trick is likely to be balancing complex rules about conversions (look 
at C++98 for an example of how complex this can be and what to avoid) 
while DWIM to a sufficient degree (for some definition of sufficient).

The point of this messaging really being, that we need to allow 
types/classes to define how they convert to other types and since this is 
not known at the time of creation of the other type (let alone Perl6) we 
need a certain degree of "see what the types will do".



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