At 03:16 AM 3/27/2002 -0500, Michel J Lambert wrote:
>Doh, sorry about that.
>If it makes you feel any better (or worse), I was in the midst of writing
>up the email for fixing the pushp bug you mentioned, when up pops '[PATCH]
>Stack fix' in my email inbox, turning my local bug fix into a nice
>learning exercise. :)

Grin, oh I'm not upset, just tired. And besides I just learned a little 
more than
I wanted to know about the OpLib stuff.

>I think you bring up a good point about helping to maintain who's doing
>what as the parrot development group of people grows larger. Isn't this
>what was supposed to be for?

Right, if more people used it...

Well I'll vow now to do my part and put what I'm working on in there asap.


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