Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jonathan Sillito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here is another suggestion (I think I mentioned this in another email) we
>> could support a few different types of continuations. The simplest
>> continuation could be just a saved return address (i.e. an opcode_t*).
> I'm fine with that, if its additionally to the current invoke/ret scheme.
>> One more thing Leo (excuse my ignorance) why is there a "stack calling
>> convention" in imcc? How does it relate to calling subs via the "calling
>> convention"?
> First one sentence from pdd03:
>        Please note that the following conventions are only
>        necessary when exposing subs and methods via the generic
>        parrot routine exposure mechanism.
> Parrot calling conventions are for subs and methods which ought to be
> accessible like e.g. library functions. All internal language stuff may
> use whatever subroutine calling convention that is appropriate.
> So there are different ways to call a subroutine:
> - stack calling conventions (callee saves used by BASIC, P6C)

The eventual Perl 6 implementation should almost certainly move over
to a continuation passing style. 


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