At 04:13 PM 2/2/2001 -0800, Nathan Wiger wrote:
>Damian Conway wrote:
> >
> >
> >    > Where should this info be maintained? In a module in @INC (sort of 
> like
> >    > CPAN/ Or in a special file that's only written to via a
> >    > module install? Or in a block atop each module that's yanked out via
> >    > MakeMaker? Or???
> >
> > The parser needs to have it in a standard system-wide place.
>Hmmm. I see what you mean, but why couldn't it be in @INC, first one
>wins? The file could be named or something.

That strikes me as very much too high level a thing. I'm figuring there 
will be no more than one file, and we may well go so far as to weld the 
processed version of it into a shareable library that gets loaded in as 
part of perl's startup.

Loading this file *must* be fast. If it's not fast, we're not doing it. (I 
don't want to spend 10-20msec per perl activation just because it's decided 
to make this file perl code that gets found and interpreted every time...)

>I would assume that 'use' would be done before 'autouse', so any 'use
>lib' statements would already be taken into account? I'm probably
>missing something super-obvious, so please point it out if so.

Doubt it. They'll likely be done as they're encountered, though that does 
mean that your libs will be set before you need them, unless you order your 
source really strangely.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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