>     /pat/i m:i/pat/ or /<?i:pat>/ or even m<?i:pat> ???

Why lose the modifier-following-final-delimiter
syntax? Is this to avoid a parsing issue, or
because it's linguistically odd to have a modifier
at the end?

>     /^pat$/m /^^pat$$/

What's the mnemonic here? It feels the wrong
way round -- like a single ^ or $ should match
at newlines, double ^ or $ should only match
at start/end string.

Ah. The newline matches between the ^^ or $$.
That works.

Then there's the PID issue. Hmm. How to save $$
(it is nice for one liners)?

Sorry if this is a dumb suggestion, but could you have
just one assertion, say ^$, that alternates matching
just before and just after a newline?

>     /./s /<any>/ or /<.>/ ???

I'd expect . to match newlines by default. For a . that
didn't match newlines, I'd expect to need to use [^\n].

>     space <sp> (or \h for "horizontal"?)

Can one quote a substring of a regex? In a later part you
say that \Q...\E is going away, so it seems not. It would be
nice to say something like:

    /foo bar baz 'qux waldo' emerson/

and have the space between qux and waldo be literal.
Similar arguments apply more broadly so that one
could escape the usual meaning of metacharacters etc.

>     \Lstring\E \L<string>
>     \Ustring\E \U<string>

Maybe, if I wasn't too far off with the quote mark
suggestion above, then  \L'string' would be more

>     (?#...) {"..."} :-)

Will plain # comments work in p6  regexen?

>     (?:...) <:...>
>     (?=...) <before: ...>
>     (?!...) <!before: ...>
>     (?<=...) <after: ...>
>     (?<!...) <!after: ...>
>     (?>...) <grab: ...>

Hmm. So <> are clustering just like ().

One difference is that () always capture whereas <>
only do so sometimes. Oh, and {} can too.

() are no longer used for clever stuff, <> are instead.
And {}.

Hmm. Time for bed.


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