On 2004-04-15 at 16:49:28, Mark J. Reed wrote:
> Not sure that JavaScript is relevant here, since the "equivalent"
> syntax there, ".", is the same as the method call syntax.  But see my
> proposal below.

Before the nit-pickers jump in, I was oversimplifying above.  The
"method call syntax" in JavaScript is really just the operator '(' args*
')', appended to an expression whose value is a reference to a Function
object.  JavaScript object.meth(foo) functions roughly like a cross
between Perl5 $object->{'meth'}->($foo) and $object->meth($foo): like
the former, it looks up the value of key 'meth', expects it to be a code
reference, and then executes it; like the latter, it passes the receiver
along with the specified args.


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