On Sun, 20 Jun 2004 15:06:33 +0400, Andrew Shitov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

AT> oh my.. it seems to me, that Perl6 starts new age of ASCII-graphics. (not
AT> ASCII, really.. maybe Uni-graphics?)..

I hardly think Perl 6 should avoid any characters other than ASCII.

For example we have at least three Russian encodings and it is
acceptable only because we have no choice: we face the fact that we
have lots of encodings.

As long as Perl 6 is still in the phase of development, it is possible
to buid the language that use PLAIN characters.


unicode is only way to get rid of the mess with multiple encodings - you'll have the same program on windows or linux, and do not worry about which encoding should be used for string constants in code - KOI8-R or CP1251 or even (is it used?) ISO-I-forget-the-number, just because your code will be in machine independent UTF-8, and output will be done through system dependent io-layer. That's ok and fine..
but I must agree, that using "fancy characters" for identifiers and operators really can make problems for people. Not all people uses vim, you know, not all (very good and handy if not to use Unicode) editors allow to enter such characters.. and there's psychological reasons too - how to read such a program? :)
@a  @b "array a ..er..broken bar array b.."
ok, 'twas a joke..
but this looks obfuscating.. if someone writes a module using hiragana, and I want to read the sources to understand how it works, I'll meet a problem, because I'm doubt if I can distinguish one letter from another.. I have good "audio memory", but bad "video memory" :)

so, unicode is good, but I think that this should be explicitly said, that modules for public using should avoid using unicode operators and subs name as much as possible. It's against internationality of programmers community. I'll want to understand what programs do, and want to edit them too, if need arise.

 Excuse my French..
   Alexey Trofimenko

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