Michele Dondi skribis 2004-07-09 10:39 (+0200):
> kinda syntax too, and I, for one, will regret not having it anymore, I
> wonder wether something vaguely like the following example could (be made
> to) work:
>   print.then{next} if /stgh/;

Ehm. It can probably be made to work with sufficient black magic, but I
fail to see how:

- then as a method of print makes sense

- a hash returned by that method makes sense

If evaluation of hash keys is delayed until necessary, all you have to
do is make print return an object that has a then method. And it doesn't
have to do anything, even.

I think "then" as an infix operator is the way to go, if comma really
won't allow us to write this. "then" as a method my brain won't grok.


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