On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 09:09:21PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Matt skribis 2005-04-22 14:44 (-0400):
: > We're talking about the *built-in* functions here, right?
: I don't know.
: > Anyway, is there any other URI scheme besides for mailto: that doesn't use  
: > <://>?
: I don't know, but if you want to find this out,
: http://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes is probably a good starting
: point.
: > mailto isn't something you can "open" really, for read at least.   
: No, but writing to it ought to simplify things :)
:     given open 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' {
:         .say(q0:to<.>
:             Subject: Useful mailto open 
:             User-Agent: Perl 6
:             In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:             Hello, world!
:             .
:         );
:         .close or fail;
:     }

I should point out that we're still contemplating breaking .foo() so it
no longer means $_.foo().  I wish there were more keys on my keyboard...

I know it's a bit counter-cultural, but at the moment I'm wondering
if we can make this work instead:

    given open 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' {
        _close or fail;

We do, after all, have better ways of declaring private methods and
functions now. so maybe we don't need to reserve _ for that anymore.
And it would save two characters over $_.foo().  But recovering C
programmers will scream, and probably prefer _.foo(), even if it only
saves one character.  Maybe it's time to raid Latin-1 for the next
closest thing to a dot, "middle dot":

    given open 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' {
        ·close or fail;

But I'm sure some will argue that's too subtle.  (Hi, @Larry<Damian>.)

Well, hey, as long as we're looking at Latin-1, we could use superscripts
to indicate nested topic defaults.

    given open 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' {
        close¹ or fail;

Then foo² would be $OUTER::_.foo(), foo³ would be $OUTER::OUTER::_.foo().

Or we go back to .foo always meaning $_.foo and use ¹.foo to call the
first invocant, ².foo to call the second, ³.foo to call the third.
Interestingly, 1.foo, 2.foo, 3.foo etc. would work as ASCII workarounds
if we didn't autobox literal numbers.  Though that would put a crimp
in the Rubyish

    3.times:{ say "It's true!" }

Okay, that's kinda nuts.  How 'bout we change ! to ¬ and then we can

    given open 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' {
        !close or fail;

Sigh.  We could also take ` away from user-defined literals and say

    given open 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' {
        `close or fail;

But I rather like ` for user-defined literals.  I suppose bare ^
is also available:

    given open 'mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]' {
        ^close or fail;

That almost makes sense, given that $^a is like $_.  It also points vaguely
upward toward some antecedent.  I could maybe get used to that, if I
tried real hard for a long time.  Almost makes we wish we could rename
$_ to $^ though.  Hmm...

: > If it's for built-in, then only the most common protocols would be defined  
: > I imagine.
: No, if it's built in, we should stick to the spec and interpret every
: ^\w+: (roughly - see RFCs for syntax specifics) as a scheme.

Yes, especially the c: scheme.  :-)


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