On Mon, Jun 13, 2005 at 02:22:59PM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 02:36:52PM -0400, Joshua Gatcomb wrote:
> > Ok, are there any guidelines for what should and should not be put
> > forward as a patch.  
> [...]
> For anything that doesn't come from @Larry or $Larry, I think we can
> perhaps provide a notation that the item is "draft" or "proposed" status
> if there's any doubt about its ultimate acceptance in Perl 6.  It's again
> much easier to do a "grep draft" on the design document files to find
> potentially unblessed items than it is to search through the p6l archives.

FWIW, Larry also responded on perlmonks:

    However, there are no general guidelines for how to document 
    the as-yet undesigned parts of the design. The best you can do 
    is to make a guess consistent with the current design and see if 
    anyone carps about it. A certain willingness to be sincerely 
    misguided goes with the territory. :-)

So, this sounds to me like framework patches could be useful and helpful.
It's also a useful reminder that none of use completely knows where the 
Perl 6 design will end up, so guesses -- even incorrect ones -- are a
often a step forward.

Going a bit further than this... On #perl6 today we observed that 
it might be helpful to know which parts of the documents others,
especially members of @Larry, already have designs upon (i.e., have
a strong desire or intention to write that section because of its
potential impacts to other parts of Perl 6 design).  This would help
potential contributors to know which sections are already being
"thought about" by the design team, even if they're not being turned
into documents yet, and which sections might be open for contributions
from the community at large.  Even a simple "section authorship claimed 
by so-and-so" notation in placeholder documents would be helpful.

At any rate, I'll moderate patches to the design documents along these
lines, unless/until someone tells me not to do it.  :-)  And if any of
@Larry can let me know of any sections they feel strongly about, I'll
build and maintain notations to that effect in the documents.


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