Darren Duncan wrote:
1. What we *should* be doing with the Prelude, like with STD.pm, is write under the assumption that the implementation is also written in Perl 6.

We should write the Prelude in as declarative a manner as possible, saying *what* we want to happen rather than how, such as you do when writing in a functional language.

We should make use of Perl's higher-level tools like hyper-operators and reduce-operators etc and write in a fashion that is developer focused, same as writing normal Perl 6.

I do agree that a prelude.pm should be written atas higher level as possible, but I would not that Perl6 is not a "declarative" language. Using the most powerful operators available (I'd like to see more of them) is about the best you can do: as soon at you start using codeblocks to define things, you get beyond the realm where compile-time analysis is possible in a dynamic language.

Lets imagine I want to define a "sqrt($x)" function in a declarative style in perl6 (and lets image we've defined a Real type with Real::Epsilon being the precision of the representation). The declarative version of sqrt must say to find a value within the set of Real numbers that, when squared, is closest to $x:

sub sqrt(Num where { 0 <= $_ <= Real::Max } $x) {
  (0..$x/2 :by(Real::Epsilon)).min: { abs $x - $^candidate ** 2 }

(This assumes that Array::min will one day accept a code-block, just like grep, to define the property of the input list to be minimized).

The code would give a correct answer (the positive sqrt), and is written as a fairly direct implementation of the declarative formulation. What I'm not so sure of is that it would be a good way to write prelude.pm: running the test suite would probably take quite a while.

So do you really mean "as declarative a manner as possible"? Or would you consider this example to go beyond "possible"?

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