On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Richard Hainsworth
<rich...@rusrating.ru> wrote:
> Ideally [at least, what I would like], managing a file on a remote resource
> should be the same as managing one locally, eg.
> my Amazon $fn = open("$path-to-input-file-location/$file-name", :r) or die
> $!;
> for $fn.readlines { };
> $fn.close;
> my Google $fn = open("$path-to-output-file-location/$file-name", :w) or die
> $!;
> for @lots-of-data -> $item { $fn.say: $item };
> $fn.close;

I agree it should be similar to normal FS interactoin to make matters
as intuitive as possible, but I horrified by the idea of overloading
open() that way. That's a PHP mistake I wouldn't like seeing repeated.
If you want open to do something that's not really opening a file, you
should be explicit about it.


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