Mark Stosberg wrote:
> When Perl 5 has references and Perl 6 doesn't, I don't know what to
> expect to when I need to pass a hash reference to a Perl 5 routine.
> Such details make no appearance currently in the Perl 6 spec, but I'm
> trying to gather them on the wiki if you have anything to add:

I saw there have been some commits lately to Perl5 embedding, so I tried
some experiments with pugs to figure out if I could determine reliable
ways pass hashes and arrays to Perl5, so that they are received as
hashes, hashrefs, arrays, or arrayrefs, as appropriate.

I came up with the following test. As you can see, with arrays I was
able to pass them as a reference or not. However, when attempting to
pass a hash, it always came through as a hash, never flattened. Have I
missed something?

my $p5_dumper =
  eval('sub {use Data::Dumper; print Dumper(@_); }', :lang<perl5>);

my @a = <b c d>;
$p5_dumper.(@a);      # received as array
$p5_dumper.([EMAIL PROTECTED]);     # received as arrayref
$p5_dumper.(VAR @a);  # received as arrayref

my %h = ( a => 1 );
$p5_dumper.(@%h);     # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.([,] %h);  # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.(|%h);     # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.(%h);      # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.(\%h);     # received as hashref
$p5_dumper.(VAR %h);  # received as hashref

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