On 9/14/06, Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Having had some prior experience in tackling this problem (eg,
CGI::Portable), I will endeavour to work on / help with the Perl 6
analogy to HTTP::Request/Response, so to replace the use of
corresponding aspects of CGI.pm.

I really like this idea.  I was actually working on a threaded HTTP server
in Perl that used that exact approach.  The idea was that you could write a
HTTP::Server::Threaded::Handler implementation; this could easily work for
CGI as well.  I can't test my code, since my Pugs installation is currently
broken (I've been working on it from work, and I'm trying to get everything
working in Cygwin right now).  However, I've posted my code at this URL:


As a note to Audrey: This is what I was asking about threads for; I added
the async statement, but haven't tested it.


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