creating a logo by committee is probably the worst way to design such
things ... perl6 logo will be seen in the context of other more
professionally designed logos and like it or not using the basics of
modern branding and marketing will result in something that is more
recognizable .... no matter how much we may despise these kind of
techniques realize that commercial entities (which compete in some way
directly with perl6) will spendmillions on such activities and perl6
should consider at a minimum professional execution of a design.

Is there any sponsorship money to spend on a very good graphic
designer to create something based on a small list of requirements as
to what meaning it should convey ?

Of course the logo should represent the community fundamentally, but I
find all of the suggestions little to do with addressing needs of a
logo versus needs of what I would call more of a 'club' badge.

I mention these concerns because I would like perl6 to be adopted to
as wide a developer audience as possible.

my 2p, Jim Fuller

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 8:51 PM, Conrad Schneiker
<> wrote:
>> From: Guy Hulbert []
>> On Tue, 2009-24-03 at 11:38 -0700, Conrad Schneiker wrote:
>> > Here's my latest suggestion:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > It combines Damian Conway's suggestions (please see below)
>> > and Ross Kendall's suggestions at
>> > (
>> >
>> > For a smaller sized Rakudo logo,
>> > just remove the text between the proposed Perl 6 logo
>> > and the Parrot logo.
>> For the small logo, you could super-impose the Parrot on top of the
>> molecule ... and for pugs:
> That's awful!
> And outrageously hilarious.
> The Yoda image + molecule (aka "hexa-flower") gets my vote for Pugs
> (although it's not my decision to make).
> Best regards,
> Conrad
> Conrad Schneiker

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